This work has been partially supported by:
- FP7 Factory in a Day
- Euroc project
- ERC Actanthrope
- PSPC Romeo 2
- ANR Entracte
- RoboCom++
Motion and Manipulation planning in C++
HPP is a C++ Software Developement Kit implementing path planning for kinematic chains in environments cluttered with obstacles. Collision checking is performed by a modified version of the Flexible Collision Library developed at University of North Carolina. Robots can be loaded from URDF model. It is a collection of software packages handled by cmake and pkg-config.

Python interface for quick prototyping of problems
Python scripting is implemented via CORBA servers and idl interfaces in a seamless way. A few lines of Python code allows users to solve motion planning problems or design an planning algorithm.
Shipped with a graphical user interface
A visualization tool is provided to visualize obstacles, robot configurations and paths. It is extendible and allows to program manipulation motion, such as the Factory in a Day use case.