
This page provides tutorials to get you started with HPP.

Warning! If you have installed HPP, the tutorials corresponding to your version of HPP are installed in ${DEVEL_HPP_DIR}/install/share/doc/hpp-tutorial/doxygen-html/index.html.

To run the tutorial, open a terminal and open 3 tabs by typing CTRL+SHIFT+T twice. When the terminal is selected, you can select a tab by typing ALT-[1|2|3].

Step 1 - Starting gepetto-gui

In the first tab, type

 $ gepetto-gui 
Nothing apparently happens, but the graphical user interface is ready to create a new window and to display a scene.

Step 2 - Starting hppcorbaserver

In the second tab, type

 $ hppcorbaserver 
See package hpp-corbaserver for details. Note that gepetto-gui and hppcorbaserver executables are completely independent.

Step 3 - Controlling via a python terminal

In the third tab, type

 $ python 
    Python 2.7.3 (default, Feb 27 2014, 20:00:17)
    [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Copy-paste the content of file script/tutorial_1.py in the python terminal. A window should pop-up, displaying a scene containing a PR2 robot in a kitchen environment. See next section for details about the instructions in script/tutorial_1.py

Please see this.

Warning! This tutorial has been tested with installations instructions corresponding to branch isae.

To run the tutorial, open a terminal and open 4 tabs by typing CTRL+SHIFT+T twice. When the terminal is selected, you can select a tab by typing ALT-[1|2|3|4].

Step 1 - Starting gepetto-gui

In the first tab, type

 $ gepetto-gui 
Nothing apparently happens, but the graphical user interface is ready to create a new window and to display a scene.

Step 2 - Starting hpp-manipulation-server

In the second tab, type

 $ hpp-manipulation-server 
See package hpp-manipulation-server for details.

Step 3 - Controlling via a python terminal

In the third tab, type

 $ python 
    Python 2.7.3 (default, Feb 27 2014, 20:00:17)
    [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Copy-paste the content of file script/manipulation.py in the python terminal. A window should pop-up, displaying a scene containing a UR5 robot and a ball. In the python terminal, type
    >>> ps.solve () 
After a minute or so, you should be able to display the solution path.

Step 4 - Displaying the constraint graph

In the fourth terminal, type

 $ hpp-plot-manipulation-graph 
A window should pop up. Click on "Refresh" and "Statistics" button to display the constraint graph. Then, clicking on edges of the graph displays the statistics of the search related to the edge.

Step 5 - Write your own script

Start again from step 1 replacing script manipulation.py by manipulation_box.py . The ball is in a box. To help the planner, create nodes where the gripper is above the box.